Soufflé Au Chocolat (Chocolate Souffle)
Dairy|Eileen Goltz
please consult the ou's guidelines for checking fruits and vegetables > A little more complicated but the taste makes the work worthwhile.
- 4 eggs, separated, plus 3 egg whites
- 2 teaspoon instant coffee or espresso powder
- 2 Tablespoons warm water
- ⅔ cup semi sweet chocolate, chopped
- 3 Tablespoons unsalted butter
- Pinch salt
- ¼ cup pulp-free orange juice, warmed slightly
- ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
- ¾ cup granulated sugar
- Place the 4 egg yolks in a large bowl and set them aside.
- Place the 7 egg whites in a separate large bowl. Lightly cover the bowl of egg whites; set aside at room temperature (do not chill--the whites will not achieve maximum volume if they are cold when beaten).
- In small cup, dissolve the instant coffee or espresso powder in warm water; set aside.
- In small heatproof bowl, combine chopped chocolate, butter, and salt. Using a microwave or hot water bath melt the chocolate and butter together. Heat and stir frequently until the chocolate is almost melted, stir until smooth. Stir in the dissolved coffee or espresso. Set aside to cool until just warm.
- Whisk egg yolks lightly to mix. Whisk the yolks into the warm chocolate mixture, then gradually whisk in warm orange juice. Set aside to cool to room temperature, whisking occasionally. Mixture will thicken as it cools.
- Adjust rack to center of oven. Butter a 1-1/2 quart soufflé dish then sugar the dish by placing a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar into it (in addition to the amount called for in the recipe) and tilting the dish until all buttered surfaces are sugared. Pour out any excess sugar. Set prepared dish aside.
- When the chocolate-yolk mixture is cooled to room temperature and the whites are at room temperature, preheat the oven to 400°F.
- Whisk the chocolate-yolk mixture well to loosen it.
- Place the egg whites in the bowl of an electric mixer and add the cream of tartar. Beat and when whites are very foamy and increased in volume, begin to add sugar, about a tablespoon at a time.
- Continue beating until all sugar is added and meringue stands in soft peaks (when beater is pulled away and up from meringue, peaks form but curl over on themselves). Do not overbeat!!
- Add a large spoonful of the meringue to chocolate-yolk mixture; whisk in thoroughly to lighten.
- Now, working quickly, add remaining meringue to chocolate-yolk mixture in three additions. Use a large spatula to fold in each addition and scrape bowl bottom and sides. Don’t fold in the first two additions too thoroughly; fold in the last just until no white streaks show.
- Quickly turn into prepared soufflé dish; mixture will be about an inch below the top of the dish. Spread level and place in preheated oven.
- Close oven door. IMMEDIATELY REDUCE OVEN TEMPERATURE TO 350°F. Bake for 40-42 minutes. DON’T PEEK!
- When soufflé is done, it will have risen a bit above the edges of the dish, and the center will scarcely quiver (if at all) when dish is lightly tapped. When baked for lesser amount of time, the very center of the soufflé will remain slightly “saucy”.
- Remove from oven; serve IMMEDIATELY (a large spoon is helpful here).
- Make sure the chocolate-yolk mixture is cooled to room temperature before folding in the egg whites, as it will deflate them if it’s warm. This must be served immediately after it’s baked.
- This is wonderful when accompanied by lightly sweetened whipped cream. If you don’t like the coffee flavor you can substitute 2 tablespoons of light rum or another not-too-strong liqueur that goes well with chocolate (hazelnut, for example).