About ASK OU

As the leader in worldwide kosher certification, the Orthodox Union takes additional steps to serve as a leader in educating the public in matters of kosher law. Over the past several years, OU Kosher, in partnership with the Harry H. Beren Foundation of New Jersey, has developed numerous kashrus educational programs for the benefit of […]

OU Kosher Brings Educational Programming and Industry Expertise to Over 500 Members of Dallas’ Jewish Community

OU Kosher Team Tailored High-Level Shiurim and Workshops to Diverse Hashkafot and Built Connections With Local Rabbanim, and Lay Leaders The OU Kosher team met with many of the local rabbanim in Dallas In a first for the Dallas Jewish community, over 500 people of all ages and hashkafot recently learned about kashrus, in a […]

Speaking to the LA Mashgiach

Los Angeles has been on the mind of many, and we wanted to check in with our LA mashgiach, Rabbi Binyomin Kaplan. We got a sense of the situation, an understanding into the type of plants he inspects, the retelling of two anecdotes about how plant personnel at a Coca-Cola plant told him not to […]

Let’s Talk Kashrus: Kosher Can, Treife Plan?

What can be wrong with canned corn? All the ingredients are kosher. Let’s listen to Rabbi Mordechai Stareshefsky a Rabbinic Coordinator at the OU as he explains some potential issues with the most basic food items. This serves as a reminder why one should always ensure that there is a good hechsher on everything they […]

Global Food Leaders Introduce New OU Kosher-Certified Products in 2025

The Orthodox Union (OU) Kosher certification continues to be the gold standard in the global food industry, certifying over 1.4 million products worldwide. We are proud that many of the world’s most iconic brands choose OU Kosher because it is the most recognized kosher certification globally. Brands understand that this certification not only ensures the […]

In the Frozen Aisle

  OU Kosher certifies an extensive repertoire of popular frozen food products. The frozen food market has been in the news lately, with Conagra releasing its second annual Future of Frozen Food 2025 report. Notable findings included a desire among millennials and Gen Zers for high-quality, restaurant-style at-home meals, a general craving for global and […]

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