Posts By: goldberg
Rabbi Chaim Goldberg has 7 Articles

Rabbi Chaim Goldberg began working at OU Kosher in 2002.  His talents cast a wide net across many areas of kosher certification, with a specialty in the ocean’s kosher bounty.  In addition to supervising many OU-certified fish manufacturing accounts, Rabbi Goldberg has completed hundreds of inspections at manufacturing plants on five continents.  He stores his passport in Brooklyn, NY. 
OU, - Tuesday October 22, 2024 - 1 Pages
Quality kosher fish oil is in very high demand.  But, it’s not easy to make and calls for a solid commitment to kosher, in many – unusual – ways. To start, the company needs to have a kosher fishery able...
While consumers are always looking for the latest trend, today’s food staples are likely the staples of yesterday. One notable example is the forever popular beverage – beer. Just the other day I read about a recently discovered beer recipe....
Paul Pendelton of Paul’s Perfect Pies finally perfected his Pecan Praline Pudding pie –confident that prosperity would soon follow. He figured it was all systems go. He learned otherwise. The product would be his first OU Kosher non-dairy item manufactured in an all dairy plant. If Paul planned on producing his pudding pie with an OU, and not...
When people imagine those involved in giving kosher supervision, and the requisite knowledge to do our job properly, they imagine rabbis in regal robes like the Supreme Court in full session. While the rabbis at OU Kosher do need to...
As BTUS readers are well aware, kosher tastes have evolved significantly from those depicted in yesteryear’s renditions of traditional Jewish fare. As kosher has become mainstream for consumer products not targeted specifically for an ethnic audience, the need for manufacturers...
It wasn’t all that long ago those “typical” kosher fish products would’ve consisted of gefilte fish, smoked salmon and pickled herring. As with everyone else, the palates of kosher consumers have matured, and there is almost no commercially available fish...
“But Rabbi, before we start I want you to know…we also do non-kosher!!!” Those words, often uttered during an initial conversation about potential kosher certification of a new plant, often sound like a confession. Is all really lost?  Is the...