OU And The Kosher World Show: Working Together To Help You Maximize Your Kosher Investment

Once again this year the Orthodox Union is pleased to be a sponsor of the Kosher World Conference and Expo, to be held March 23-24 at the Anaheim (CA) Convention Center. This event is the only kosher trade show on the West Coast, and will be the cornerstone of the new World Ethnic Market. The show will provide you, the OU client, with an exciting platform to not only demonstrate your kosher certification, but to reach out in a fertile cross-marketing environment to a broad base of strongly motivated and focused retail and specialty buyers.

World Ethnic Market, the first of its kind in the United States, will include separate exhibits dedicated to kosher, halal and ethnic food under one roof, and will be presented simultaneously with the New Hope Natural Media’s Natural Products Expo West, one of the largest and most established shows in the natural foods niche.

Recent research shows that kosher has a broad cross-market appeal. For example, according to Mintel Organization International, a leading global research group, only 15 percent of those purchasing kosher foods “keep kosher” all the time.” In California alone there are some 1.1 million Muslims – many of whom see kosher as consistent with their own halal standards – and over three million strict vegetarians, who rely upon kosher pareve as an indication that products are free of both milk and meat. Some 20 percent of the U.S. population is lactose intolerant. For these people, pareve is a major purchasing factor.

For OU companies seeking to reach key buyers, this show offers a unique opportunity. As Phyllis Koegel, Kosher World’s Show Director, points out, “Very often, individual buyers responsible for stocking the shelves of supermarkets and gourmet shops don’t just buy kosher products.” They would appreciate the opportunity to shop at an exhibition dedicated not only to kosher, but to halal and ethnic foods ranging from Indian to Filipino to Mexican — all for the first time, under one roof. This, combined with the shows’ immediate proximity to Natural Products Expo West, makes the Expo a unique and valuable opportunity.

In 1995, 96 percent of exhibitors found the stand-alone Kosher World Show productive. This year, the inclusion in a broader forum makes it invaluable. The venue also provides some exciting value-added opportunities. The “Power Buyer” program allows exhibitors 10-minute sessions with some of the industry’s biggest players, including Ralph’s, Costco, Gelson’s and Albertson’s, at no charge. With 10×10 booth packages starting at only $2,500, both the OU and Kosher World hope to see you there.

For booth space and additional information, call Kosher World at: 1-877-567-4376. Please also visit their home on the web: www.kosherworld.com.

Rabbi Aharon J. Brun-Kestler, OU Rabbinic Coordinator – Marketing and Communications – has worked closely with the Ms. Koegel from the Show’s inception. He and the OU delegation hope to see you at the Show. For more information about the OU’s involvement making the most of your OU certification at both Kosher World and Natural Products Expo, please contact Rabbi Brun-Kestler at 212 613 8364; .

OU Kosher Staff