Kosher Trends
Rabbi Kalman Scheiner Talks Kosher Chocolate
When you think chocolate, you think Hershey’s. We sat down with Rabbi Kalman Scheiner, the Rabbinical Coordinator (RC) who manages OU kosher certification for Hershey’s. We probed the comprehensive meaning of the word confectionary, discussed new dairy-free Hershey’s chocolate products, arrived at a clear conclusion of what to learn from the philanthropic life of Milton […]
The Growing Impact of AI on Food Production
AI is revolutionizing the food industry, and OU kosher-certified companies are at the forefront of this transformation. Two such companies have recently adopted AI to enhance their products and streamline their operations. Coca-Cola, for example, leveraged AI-driven data analysis on consumer behavior at fountain soda machines. They found that customers frequently mixed cherry soda with […]
Rabbi Dovid Jenkins Speaks in the Kosher Sports Drink Arena
Spring and sports drinks are inextricably linked. It’s a time of more outdoor exercise calling for additional body replenishment. In North America, the sports drink market is burgeoning. One of the more well-known of them is OU kosher–certified Gatorade, an account managed by Rabbi Dovid Jenkins. We talked to him about the greatest kashrut concern […]
Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz Discusses Kosher Wine and Passover
In 2023, US production of wine (including kosher wine) is on the rise, and wine is inextricably linked to Passover. We presented these two themes to Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz, Senior OU Rabbinic Coordinator, who oversees certification for kosher alcoholic beverages and serves as the editor of the OU Passover Guide. He offered insights into both of these areas. Steven […]
Rabbi Dov Schreier Speaks OU Restaurants and Catering
Today, in a post Covid-19 world, people are looking for diets that nourish the mind in equal measure to the body. In this regard, the Mediterranean and flexitarian diets, which are related, have gained in popularity. Both emphasize plant-based eating, but consuming fish and meat in moderation is encouraged as well. Together, the properties in […]
Rabbi Gavriel Price Demystifies the Kosher Flavor Industry
Currently, cookie butter is one of a select number of flavors that are trending. I had the privilege to address questions to Rabbi Gavriel Price who manages flavor companies for the OU and is an expert in the flavor industry. He elaborated on the role of a flavorist, how confidential flavors can be certified, the […]
Rabbi Chaim Goldberg Talks Kosher Tinned Fish
Already, in 2023, tinned fish is enjoying great popularity. We spoke with Rabbi Chaim Goldberg, the fish expert at the OU, to get his thoughts in this area, including the origins of tinned fish, industry practices, kashrut protocols and personal anecdotes. Steven Genack: When I contacted you regarding an interview, I mentioned that tinned fish […]
Kosher Fermented Foods: Ready-Made and DIY
Fermentation breaks down foods to yield new tastes and flavors. Bacteria-based starter cultures serve as the medium to effectuate this change. Fermented foods are packed with probiotics, which are bacterial microorganisms, that replenish the bacteria-filled gut. A healthy gut is crucial for good digestion and can help with mood, anxiety and sleep. Convenience tends to […]
Tailorzyme Tailor-Made Enzyme Solutions for Feeding the World
Tailorzyme, co-founded by Lars Peter Andersen and Bent Piil Pedersen, is based in Denmark and has been in business since 2015. Their focus is on applications where an enzymatic solution will bring value to their customers and benefit society by more efficiently using raw materials and improving the impact on the environment. In some […]
FIT Gelatins and Kosher Bovine Collagen
FIT (Food Industry Technology) Gelatins, founded by David Holzer, is North America’s largest supplier of verifiable kosher gelatin and has been OU Kosher certified since 1993. In addition to kosher gelatin FIT Gelatins also produces OU Kosher certified collagen powder which is produced using enzymes. Their products derived from kosher fish and the hides of […]