OU Kosher Staff

Online Movie: Outer Space Kosher

Two kids set out to create a kosher product – a meteor bite. When their idea is stolen by an unscrupulous marketing executive, they go into action. This Kosher adventure is for the whole family. Click here to watch it now! In addition to the feature film above, we’ve also included a bonus movie, in […]

Sold Out: ASK OU Tour of OU KOSHER Meat Production

A new OU Kosher product is in the marketplace, and it has proven so popular that it has “sold out” even before its existence was officially announced. The product in question is not food, but it is certainly OU Kosher.  As the newest entry in its expanding array of kosher education programs, the OU Kashrus […]

OU Kosher Presents FAQ’s on Cheese in honor of Shavuos…

How is cheese made kosher? As with any food, all of the ingredients in the cheese as well as the equipment used during the manufacturing process must be kosher. However, a special prohibition makes kosher certification of cheese a bit more challenging: the ban on gevinat Akum, which means that cheese not made under special rabbinical […]

The Halachot of Waiting Between Meals

A overview and discussion of the laws of waiting between meat and milk

OU KOSHER Responds to the Pre-Passover 2015 Needs

As the kosher community continues to expand and grow, so does OU Kosher’s commitment to serve it. The just-concluded 2015 Passover season clearly highlights the great lengths that OU Kosher went to once again to meet the needs of the kosher consumer. “People told me how wonderful it was that the OU was there for […]

Jelly Belly Candy Company Receives 2015 OU Company of the Year Award

Ms. Pat Collins, Director of Sales for the Jelly Belly Candy Company, accepting the 2015 OU Company of the Year award at the annual OU Kashruth conference on Sunday, April 26, 2015. This prestigious award represents Jelly Belly’s excellence in dedication and commitment to their OU kosher program and the community at large. On hand […]

OU KOSHER Announces Extended Hours – Kosher Hotline

OU Kosher announces special OU Kosher Hotline hours to assist with Passover preparations. The following are the hotline’s extended hours: Sunday March 29th: 10:00 am – 12 :00 noon Monday March 30 – Thursday April 2nd: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Friday April 3rd: 10:00 am – 1 :00 pm (Erev Yom Tov) The kosher hotline number is 212-613-8241. […]

Pre-Passover Programs in Queens, Brooklyn &Lakewood

Once again this year, OU Kosher will send its experts into the field to provide educational seminars prior to Passover. The programs, part of the Harry H. Beren ASK OU OUTREACH initiative, are as follows:   Sunday, March 22 Congregation Ahavas Yisrael of Kew Gardens Hills, 147- 02 73rd Ave, 8–9:30 p.m. Rabbi Herschel Welcher, […]

OU Kosher Pre-Pesach Webinar – Registration

Please complete the form below to register for this year’s Pre-Pesach Webinar.  The program will be live from OU Headquarters in New York, NY on Tuesday, March 17 from 1 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EDT. The OU Kosher panelists and topics include: Rabbi Moshe Elefant, chief operations officer, on What’s New for Passover? Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz, […]

CEO Of OU KOSHER To Receive Award At RIETS Annual Gala

Rabbi Menachem Genack   Rabbi Menachem  Genack, chief executive officer of the Orthodox Union’s Kosher Division, will be honored at the annual gala of the Yeshiva University affiliate Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) on Sunday, March 8 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City. At the ceremonial dinner, Rabbi Genack will be presented […]