OU Kosher Staff

Master List Of Bishul Akum Status Of Foods

A summary of the reasons why food may be exempt from the rules of Bishul Akum.

Low-Fat And Imitation Cheese Manufacture

The Halakhic implications and status of low fat and artificial cheeses.


The challenges and concerns of Kosher certification of butter

Mezonos Rolls

The official OU policy on Mezonos Rolls

Relying On A Non-Jew To Determine if Non-Kosher Food Is Charif

Can one rely upon a non-Jew to determine if a non-Kosher food product is cherif (sharp)?

Kosher Travelers Advisory

Domestic flights in the US no longer serve meals.

Shabbos Shaylos: Placing Salt Into Hot Cholent Or Soup On Shabbos

May one place salt into hot food on Shabbos?

Shabbos Shaylos: Arranging Fruit On A Skewer On Shabbos

Can one arrange fruit on a skewer on Shabbos?

Shabbos Shaylos: Moving Cholent From The Top Of A Pot Onto The Blech

Can on move cholent from the top of a pot onto the blech on Shabbos?

Shabbos Shaylos: The Shabbos Light

Can one use a “Shabbos light” on Shabbos?