OU Kosher – RFR Conference 2017


Order of videos:
1. How to be a Good Detective – Rabbis Stone and Smolensky
2. Divrei Torah – Rabbi Schacter
3. Tackling Tolaim – Rabbis Bistricer and Goldstein, and Mr. Chesky Seitler, COO; Kosher Gardens
4. V’Yayin Yesamach – Rabbis Rabinowitz and Nathanson
5. Divrei Chizzuk & Shiur – Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe
6. Smart Phone Integration EIR – Dr. Sam Davidovics and Miriam Greenman
7. Marketing Update – Rabbis Genack and Merzel
8. Q&A Session – Rabbis Genack and Elefant
To view the playlist, click the playlist button near the top right of the video player. You may also skip to the next video by clicking the “next” arrow to the right of the video timeline.