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Tahini (Sesame Seed Paste)

Pareve|Eileen Goltz
  • Ready In: 15 minutes
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 1/2 cup
Tahini (Sesame Seed Paste)

please consult the ou's guidelines for checking fruits and vegetables > Yes you can easily purchase Tahini already prepared but it's soooo much tastier when it’s fresh that you may never want to serve the store bought again.


  • 2 Tablespoons sesame seeds
  • ½ teaspoon sesame oil
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ cup tepid water


  1. Blend sesame seeds in a blender and grind until smooth.
  2. Add sesame oil, salt, and then slowly add 1/4 cup of water while blending.
  3. Continue blending until completely smooth.
Note: Sesame seeds turn rancid quickly, so make certain yours are fresh. Be sure to store them away from light and heat and use quickly.

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