Daf ha-kashrus

Did You Know?

The OU certifies over 800 Cholov Yisroel products. If a product is OU Cholov Yisroel, it will bear an OUD symbol and the words Cholov Yisroel, חלב ישראל or Mehadrin, מהדרין on the packaging. The OUD symbol on a product without the words Cholov Yisroel, חלב ישראל or Mehadrin, מהדרין indicates that the product is under OU Kashrus supervision but does not meet the special requirements of Cholov Yisroel.

The following is a partial list of companies which produce OUD Cholov Yisroel products:

American Quality Products – Ben & Jerry’s (Domestic Israel Only)
Bloom Packaging Corp.
Bubba’s D/B/A Novelty Kosher
Elite Confections
Gelbsteins Bakery
Macabee Foods
Mehadrin Dairy and Ice Cream
Mendelsohn’s Pizza
Norman’s Dairy Delight (Machmirim)
Strauss Dairies Ltd.
The RealBeanz Co
Unilever Israel Foods (Klik)