About ASK OU

As the leader in worldwide kosher certification, the Orthodox Union takes additional steps to serve as a leader in educating the public in matters of kosher law. Over the past several years, OU Kosher, in partnership with the Harry H. Beren Foundation of New Jersey, has developed numerous kashrus educational programs for the benefit of […]

What Food Manufacturers Need to Know About Going Kosher

Originally published on ProFoodWorld.com, Chief Operating Officer of OU Kosher, Rabbi Moshe Elefant, explains how food manufacturers can often achieve certification with minimal changes to their processes and ingredients. Learn how this investment can expand your market share and boost sales. Keeping kosher is an ancient set of stringent dietary laws, derived from the Bible […]

Combat Rising Egg Prices

Egg prices are spiking. Millions of birds are being lost to the avian flu, causing an egg shortage. The Associated Press reported that in January, a dozen eggs reached an average price of $4.95. There are alternatives, however, that can bind and leaven foods just like eggs. They’re cheap and likely exist in your kitchen […]

The Fiber Factor

GLP-1, weight loss, glucose stability and gut fortification are words that are abuzz in the food and healthcare industry. A common denominator among all four is that fiber intake can help actualize them. Regarding GLP-1, a hormone activated by fiber to promote insulin production, Bay State Milling, an OU kosher-certified company, has made advancements in […]

OU Kosher Brings Educational Programming and Industry Expertise to Over 500 Members of Dallas’ Jewish Community

OU Kosher Team Tailored High-Level Shiurim and Workshops to Diverse Hashkafot and Built Connections With Local Rabbanim, and Lay Leaders The OU Kosher team met with many of the local rabbanim in Dallas In a first for the Dallas Jewish community, over 500 people of all ages and hashkafot recently learned about kashrus, in a […]

Speaking to the LA Mashgiach

Los Angeles has been on the mind of many, and we wanted to check in with our LA mashgiach, Rabbi Binyomin Kaplan. We got a sense of the situation, an understanding into the type of plants he inspects, the retelling of two anecdotes about how plant personnel at a Coca-Cola plant told him not to […]

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