OUDirect, our self-service customer portal, is always available to help you manage your OU kosher program. This website is constantly innovating to further streamline your processes. Some of our popular features include:
Pay Your Invoices Online
You can now pay your kosher program invoices online via ACH. Navigate to the Financials tab, and choose which invoices you would like to pay. Once you click the Pay Selected Invoices Online button, follow the prompts to proceed through the secure payment process.
Format and Print Your Kosher Certificates
Whether you would like to print certificates for your newly certified products, for a specific label, or for all of your products, the Kosher Certificates tab gives you immediate access to your letters of kosher certification. Choose from an array of formatting options to customize your certificates, and download them at your convenience.
Find, Source, and Add Raw Materials to Your Ingredients List
OUDirect gives you access to our database of over 1.8 million certified ingredients to source your raw materials. Navigate to the Universal Kosher Database on the Ingredients tab, and leverage the powerful search features to find approved ingredients to meet your needs. Ingredients that you select will automatically be added to your ingredients listing.