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When is the appropriate time to recite Tefilas Haderech?

Shulchan Aruch (OC 110:7) writes that Tefilas Haderech is recited only after one has begun their journey. Mishnah Berurah (110:29) explains that a journey begins only once one exits the city. So long as there are houses or buildings within 70 amos (approx. 125 ft.) of each other, one is still considered to be inside the city. When one passes a span of 70 amos that is empty of buildings, this is the border of the city. The Taz (OC 110:7) maintains that one may recite Tefilas Haderech while still in the city, but most poskim do not accept this, and lechatchila one should wait until leaving the city. The Rosh (Berachos 4:18) cites an opinion that one may only recite Tefilas Haderech during the first parsah (8,000 amos; approximately 2 and 2/3 miles) outside of the city. Although, we do not pasken like this, if possible, it is considered praiseworthy to satisfy this opinion as well.

If one did not recite Tefilas Haderech right away, Shulchan Aruch (OC 110:7) writes that one may continue to recite Tefilas Haderech so long as there is still a parsah left before reaching the destination city. Once one reaches within a parsah of the destination city, Tefilas Haderech can no longer be recited with a bracha.

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