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There are many cereals that are made from a combination of corn and oat flour. Corn is the primary ingredient, but the beracha is Mezonos because the oats are added for taste. Are these cereals acceptable for those who are careful to eat only Pas Yisroel?

The Pri Megadim (YD 112:2) writes that if one mixed flour from one of the five grains (wheat, barley, spelt, rye and oats) with other flour, we decide whether the rules of Pas Yisroel apply based on the majority. If the majority of grain is not one of the five grains, such as corn, even one who ordinarily would not eat Pas palter may be lenient. This is based on the opinion of the Ramban (Hilchos Challah 32a) that to be considered bread, the majority grain must be one of the five grains (such as wheat or oats). Although the halacha does not follow the Ramban’s opinion (see Shulchan Aruch OC 208:9), regarding pas Yisroel we follow a lower standard. Therefore, according to Pri Megadim even one who is strict to eat only Pas Yisroel may eat these cereals if the majority of the flour is not from the five grains.

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