Yihiyu L'Ratzon Imrei Fi", when the shliach tzibur begins kedusha? Am I permitted to answer? | OU Kosher Certification" />
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What should I do if I am still in the middle of Shmoneh Esrei, before saying "Yihiyu L'Ratzon Imrei Fi", when the shliach tzibur begins kedusha? Am I permitted to answer?

Rashi (Sukkah 38b) writes that one who is still davening Shmoneh Esrei when the chazzan begins Kedusha should pause and listen, because the rule is shomei’a k’oneh (listening with intent to fulfill the mitzvah is equivalent to having said the words). However, Rabbeinu Tam (Tosfos, Berachos 21b) disagrees. He argues that if it is indeed equivalent to having spoken, then it would constitute a hefsek (a break that invalidates the prayer). Nevertheless, Tosfos conclude that the custom is in accordance with Rashi, and this is also the ruling of Shulchan Aruch (OC 104:7). Therefore, although one may not recite Kedusha together with the minyan in the middle of Shmoneh Esrei, one should pause and listen carefully to every word. One who did not know the halacha, and recited Kedusha, does not repeat Shmoneh Esrei since it was a mistake (Mishnah Berurah 104:29).

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