The Emek Bracha by Rav Aryeh Leib Pomeranchik, zt”l (p. 11) strongly disagrees. There is a basic difference in this regard between tefilla and other brachos. True, anything needed for the bracha does not constitute an interruption, but tefilla is different. As we learned in a previous Halacha Yomis, Rav Chaim Solovetchik, zt”l argues based on the Rambam that tefilla requires the constant awareness that one is standing in the presence of the Shechina. Any interruption, whether it be looking in a sefer or asking a Rav a shayla, breaks that awareness. The tefilla has abruptly ended.
It is obvious that one should study the halachos of tefilla in advance and be proficient in these areas so that such questions do not arise in the middle of davening.
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