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If I maintain a tzedakah checking account, may I keep funds in the account for extended periods of time?

The Shulchan Aruch (YD 257:3) stipulates that if a person pledged to give money to tzedakah, or if he designated money for tzedakah, he is obligated to distribute the funds immediately if there are destitute people in need of the funds. If he does not do so, he violates the Biblical prohibition known as Bal T’acher (do not delay). This prohibition is derived from the verse in Devarim (23:22): “Do not delay in paying it.”

To avoid potential violations of Bal T’acher, Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a (Derech Emunah, Hil. Matnos Aniyim 8:8) recommends that a person who commits to giving maaser should stipulate that money separated for maaser should not have a status of tzedakah until the funds are given to the poor. By doing so, there are no time constraints for distributing funds that are in a tzedakah account.

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