Cheeses that are aged approximately six months develop a firm and brittle texture, qualifying as gevinah she’bein ha-shinayim – cheese which gets stuck between the teeth (Shach 89:15); however, Rav Belsky, zt"l ruled that very pungent cheeses engender a waiting period even if they are not aged, as their robust potency of taste may develop quite early.
The most common “six-month” cheeses are Parmesan, aged/sharp Cheddar, and Swiss (when made in Switzerland). (Unless otherwise noted on the label, regular Cheddar is typically mild Cheddar, aged well below six months.)
The most common “meshichas ta’am” (noticeably pungent) cheeses are Limburger cheese and some varieties of Bleu cheese.
For a detailed list of cheeses and their waiting requirements, please see, and for detailed halachic analysis of the topic, please see Mesorah Publication Vol. 28, p. 36 here.
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