Rabbi Genack relates that the practice of Rav Soloveitchik
zt”l was to recite
v’sain Tal umatar during the summer months in the
beracha of
shema koleinu. This was the practice of Rav Chaim Soloveitchik
zt”l as well. In the
beracha of
Shema Koleinu one may add a private request. Even if one is not required to daven for rain, one may do so at this point as a private request. On the other hand, if one is required to recite
V’sain Tal Umatar in the summer , as per the opinion of the Rosh, then one fulfills their obligation by inserting
v’sain tal umatar in
shema koleinu. In this way, one fulfills their obligation according to all opinions. However, this practice still needs further clarification, since the Gemara Taanis (4b) compares one who
davens for rain (
v’sain tal umatar) but does not praise
Hashem for the rain (by reciting
mashiv ha’ruach u’morid ha’geshem) to putting smoke in one’s eyes and vinegar on their teeth. Since one may not recite m
ashiv ha’ruach u’morid ha’geshem in the summer months, it would seem that it is inappropriate to
daven for rain. However, Rabbi Genack explained that for those who recite “
morid ha’tal” in the summer, this would not be an issue. The
halacha is that if one recited “
morid ha’tal” instead of “
mashiv ha’ruach u’morid ha’geshem” it is acceptable
bidi’eved. Therefore, by reciting
morid ha’tal in the
beracha of
gevuros, and
v’sain tal umatar in
Shema koleinu one can fulfill all the opinions.
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