The Mishnah Berurah (215:8) writes that the obligation to respond Amen to a beracha is based on the Biblical verse, When I call the name of Hashem, bestow greatness to our G-d (Devarim 32:3).
Poskim write that one must be very careful to answer Amen to berachos. The Chayei Adam (6:1) and the Aishel Avrohom (OC 215) citing the Zohar Chadash (Rus), write that those who do not answer Amen will be severely punished. Furthermore, Reb Yossi stated that answering Amen is a greater mitzvah than reciting the beracha (Berachos 53b), and the Talmud relates that the gates of Gan Eden are opened for those who answer Amen with all their strength (Shabbos 119b).
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