Some poskim write that even if there is a large amount of drink in one’s mouth and it is not possible to recite a beracha, there is still a possibility to recite a beracha with “hirhur” (by thinking the beracha). The Pri Megadim (172:2) initially offers this suggestion, but since he did not find other poskim who recommend this, he concludes that it is not necessary. However, other poskim including the Derech Hachaim and Kaf Hachaim (172:1) offer this recommendation as a way of mitigating the violation of not having said a beracha. However, if one plans to continue drinking, this solution should be avoided. This is because, whether or not hirhur is effective is a matter of dispute, (see Beiur Halacha 62: s.v. Yatza) and it is preferable to articulate the beracha rather than rely on hirhur.
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