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I have a vegetable garden (not in Israel) that contains many varieties of vegetables planted together. Is this permitted?

The Torah (Vayikra 19:19) states, “You shall not sow your field with a mixture of seeds.” This pusuk teaches us that it is forbidden to plant two species of vegetables together (kilei zera’im). The exact definition of “together” is that they may not be planted together in the same spot of the field. Chazal required an extra amount of separation to ensure that it does not even appear that they were planted together. The Mishnayos in Kilayim discuss in great detail the different rules for each species and how far apart they must be planted from each other.

Chazal understood that this prohibition only applies in Eretz Yisroel. Outside of Israel, one may plant seeds in any proximity to each other. One may even mix seeds of various species together and disperse them across one’s garden or plant them together in the same hole (See Shulchan Aruch Yoreh De’ah 296*:2).

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