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I bought a box of doughnuts that are labeled OU-D. The ingredients appear to be pareve. Is there any need to contact the OU to verify that it is DE (Dairy Equipment), and does not contain actual dairy?

Yes, it is best to check with the OU’s Consumer Hotline 212-613-8241 or Webbe Rebbe at, as it is possible that these doughnuts do not have the same status as DE products. How can that be? Factories that make doughnuts may boil dairy doughnuts in the same fryer. It is common for the oil to be filtered and reused to boil the next batch of doughnuts. Even if the second batch of doughnuts contains no dairy ingredients, the doughnuts are considered dairy because they were boiled in dairy oil and will absorb the dairy flavor that is in the oil. Unlike other foods that are only dairy equipment, if one of these doughnuts was accidentally cooked or even served together with meat, it would be basar b’chalav.

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