One must check all rooms, closets and anywhere
chametz may have been brought. Special care should be given to corners and crevices as it is possible that
chametz may be lodged there. The
Rama (432:2) writes that it is customary to hide pieces of bread so that one will definitely find
chametz and the
bracha will not be
livatala (in vain). The
Mishna Berura (432:13) quotes the
Arizal who recommended putting 10 pieces of bread in the home for
Kabbalistic reasons. Each piece should be carefully wrapped (to avoid leaving crumbs) and should be less than a
kezayis (in case one gets lost). The
bedikashould begin immediately after
tzais ha’kochavim (approximately 42-72 minutes after sunset) with the aid of a single-wick candle. The generally accepted custom is to start with a candle and then one may transition to a flashlight if desired. (
Halachos of Pesach (p. 86) quoting Rav Aharon Kotler
zt”land Rav Moshe Feinstein
zt”l that a flashlight is acceptable.)
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