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After completing the bracha of Kiddush Levana, we recite various random phrases. Why were these particular phrases selected? Also, why is one of the phrases “Tipol Aleihem” repeated in a jumbled order? Finally, why is Shalom Aleichem recited at this juncture?

Rabbi Menachem Genack related that he once stood with his rebbi, Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, z”tl during Kiddush Levana. When the recitation was completed, Rabbi Soloveitchik offered a novel and fascinating theory to explain the selection of these phrases.

Rabbi Soloveitchik noted that our text of the bracha of Kiddush Levana concludes “mi’chadash chadashim“, He renews the moon. However there is a variant text in the Talmud Yerushalmi (Brachos 9:2) and Meseches Sofrim (20:12), which concludes “mi’kadesh chodashim“, He sanctifies the months. Rabbi Soloveitchik suggested that the bracha was originally recited when Beis Din sanctified the new moon. During the reign of the Roman Empire in the land of Israel, kiddush ha’chodesh was forbidden by the Roman government. Nonetheless, the Beis Din would convene secretly, and two witnesses would knock on the door of the Beis Din in their secluded hiding place to provide testimony that the new moon was sighted. The witnesses began by reciting the verse “Keshaim she’ani roked…“, which expresses the hope that G-d will protect us from our enemies.

After that, there was an exchange between the witnesses and the Beis Din that served as a secret password to gain entry. The witnesses said “Tipol Aleihem,” which is extracted from Shemos 15:16, and is a prayer that G-d’s fear fall on their enemies. The Beis Din responded by inverting some of the words, "ko'even yidmu," as part of the secret code.  The witnesses would then proclaim, “Dovid Melech Yisroel chai v’kayam,” which expressed the hope that the Davidic monarchy would replace Roman rule. At that point the witnesses were permitted to gain entry, and they greeted the Beis Din with the traditional “Shalom Aleichem,” and those present answered "Aleichem Shalom."

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