ChemTreat, Inc.

ChemTreat became involved with the Orthodox Union due to the increasing demand in the food industry for Kosher certified products in the United States. Recognizing this, ChemTreat realized it would be to our advantage to be at the forefront of this aspect of the food industry’s evolution.

We became involved with the specialty product needs of several client companies and recognized the advantage of obtaining a complete understanding of the Kosher process as a service to our customers. ChemTreat has, at the request of the Orthodox Union and customer plants, developed specialty products such as our CT-9082, a liquid bittering agent used for protecting against the contamination of Kosher products by non-Kosher substances.

The Orthodox Union has been a strong supporter of ChemTreat. We have reaped a great business benefit due to our Kosher certification program and the support we receive from the OU.