Rivky Kleiman Talks New OU Kosher Products, Recipes From Her Newly Published Cookbook, Simply Pesach & Beyond, and Mashgiach Appreciation 

We did a write-up in the past on Rivky Kleiman’s OU kosher-certified spice line, known as “Recipe in a Bottle,” and her Simply cookbook. Recently, we had a conversation relating to her latest products and third cookbook, Simply Pesach & Beyond. All the recipes are gluten-free and can be used year-round, in addition to Pesach.

She discussed her newer Lemon Garlic Fusion spice and what it pairs well with. She also talked about her simply cooking philosophy where you can prepare gourmet dishes in a short amount of time, a technique that can help many busy and working mothers.

We also discussed one of her more well-known recipes for Sesame Chicken and a Pesach favorite from her new cookbook, Biscotti Trio.

She gave tips on what types of dishes to serve by the Seder, when a lot of matzah and wine are consumed, leaving one feeling full already.

Lastly, she expressed her warm feelings for the worldwide team of OU Kosher mashgichim, whose efforts have enabled her to soon debut her European-sourced balsamic vinegar.

Steven Genack
Steven Genack has worked at OU Kosher for more than 10 years with a focus on ingredients. He is an attorney and former editor of a newspaper. He has a wide array of interests including playing tennis, golf and basketball and reading biographies and memoirs.