Standout Cooking Oils

The current edible oil market is strong and growing.

The current edible oil market is strong and growing.

Consumer demand for edible oils is on the rise. When it comes to cooking, olive oil is a favorite, but avocado oil is rising in popularity. Both have cooking and health benefits. In the manufacturing of edible oils, there are kosher-specific concerns relating to equipment and shared steam. Trader Joe’s is a good option for finding OU kosher-certified olive and avocado oil.

The Market

Globally, MarketsandMarkets projects the edible oil market to grow from its current worth of over $250 billion to $306 billion by 2029. In North America, Market Data Forecast predicts the market to grow from over $24 billion this year to over $29 billion by 2029.

Because cooking oils are so widely used, there’s great demand. Whether it’s palm, canola, rapeseed or corn oil, there is no shortage of choices. In addition, there are diverse cooking techniques, varying from frying to sautéing to searing.

Smoke Points

Because oils are fats, they break down with heat. If heated too long, the resulting fats lose their edibility and can produce noxious fumes. Therefore, exact smoke points are important to ascertain when cooking with oils. For instance, virgin coconut oil has a low smoke point of 350-375°F, whereas Zero Acre oil has a high smoke point of 485°F. Knowing smoke points can help you strategize for what you’re looking to create.

Olive and Avocado Oil

Olive oil retains its reputation as a top edible oil.

Olive oil retains its reputation as a top edible oil.

As a staple of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil has always had a good name, both in taste and health-wise. It contains monounsaturated fats that protect the heart, in addition to being rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Avocado oil has a mild, nutty taste and a stellar health profile.

Avocado oil has a mild, nutty taste and a stellar health profile.

It’s no coincidence then that avocado oil is capturing people’s attention. Unlike olive oil that’s more fruity tasting, avocado oil has more of a milder, nuttier and buttery taste, but it’s similar to olive oil health-wise, containing monounsaturated fats, vitamins and antioxidants. Future Market Insights notes that the avocado oil market had a worth of over $287 million in 2022 with a projection to reach a value of $975 million by 2033.

Both olive and avocado oil have high smoke points, making them highly desirable cooking agents. In addition, in their pure form, they can be sprinkled on raw foods as well. When combining this with their unique flavors and health benefits, it’s easy to see why they are sought after.


In the manufacturing of edible oils, if the boiler recycles the steam of other sensitive ingredients, kashrus concerns can arise.

In the manufacturing of edible oils, if the boiler recycles the steam of other sensitive ingredients, kashrus concerns can arise.

Rabbi Moshe Shkarofsky manages edible oil production facilities in South America. As an OU Kosher rabbinical coordinator, he possesses extensive expertise in this area. He explained the kashrus sensitivities involved in the manufacturing process. Because the plants often produce shortenings and margarines that may contain dairy ingredients, the recycling of steam in the boiler can present kashrus issues. It is also important to know what other products are manufactured on the same equipment.


Trader Joe’s is a good place to look for OU kosher-certified olive and avocado oil. It’s a store that stays on top of trends and is always attuned to consumers’ needs


The global and U.S. markets are burgeoning when it comes to cooking oils. As of late, olive and avocado oil have surged in popularity. With high smoke points, healthy properties and inimitable tastes, these two food items stand out.





Steven Genack
Steven Genack has worked at OU Kosher for more than 10 years with a focus on ingredients. He is an attorney and former editor of a newspaper. He has a wide array of interests including playing tennis, golf and basketball and reading biographies and memoirs.