David Elliot Poultry is an OU kosher-certified company that spans three generations. They take pride in serving the customer, as well as partnering with established kosher distributors and caterers. Their plant is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, which allows them to streamline their operation without sacrificing on quality or safety. Kashrut is not just a requirement to them, but their passion.
It’s not at every plant in the United States that you will find a second-generation owner and his third-generation son learning daf yomi on the premises, but that is exactly what happens at David Elliot Poultry. Second-generation proprietor Moshe Fink learns with his third-generation son Yehudah Fink in an office with a window to view the plant. This gives them the ability to focus on the daf while still being on call if any issues should arise.
Family History and Giving Go Hand-In-Hand
In 1942, David Fink opened David Elliot Poultry on his family farm in Mount Cobb, Pennsylvania. His wife Tobi ran the business office and together they were involved in giving back to the community.
In August of 1957, The Times Tribune (operating at that time in Pennsylvania), featured a picture of David Fink hosting an event for the Women’s League of the Hebrew Day School. He also provided the transportation to the farm where a public picnic was taking place.
These types of events were obviously not an aberration. In August of 1960, the newspaper featured Mrs. Fink regarding the “Women’s League of Hebrew Day School 10th annual picnic and bazaar.” The spread of food offered was lavish and festive. The menu consisted of such foods as barbequed chickens, steak, kugel and kishke.
It’s not surprising then that the current operators of the farm, Natan and Yehudah, arranged for students at the Scranton Hebrew Day School to observe kapporot at their school. The students themselves performed the kapporot, swinging the chickens above their heads.
In a more hands-on shechitah exhibition, further showing David Elliot Poultry’s passion for kashrut, the factory hosted the Kollel Bnei Torah of Lakewood. The Kollel was learning hilchos melichah and were able to see in practice the theoretical laws they were studying.
Operations and Kashrut
David Elliot Poultry raises their chickens on local Pennsylvania farms. They have specific guidelines in the raising of the chicks. They make a custom-made feed blend and never feed the chicks any by-products or unnatural hormones. Though it hurts their bottom-line, because of quality they only process small birds.

Rabbi Moshe Klarberg (fourth from the right) is the Senior OU Rabbinic Coordinator for David Elliot Poultry.
From a kashrut point of view, they have a custom overhead salt line to ensure the chickens are sufficiently drained of fluids. In general, should any kashrut concern arise in the production process, the chicken will be immediately removed from the line and inspected by the bodek.
Rabbi Moshe Klarberg, Senior OU Rabbinic Coordinator who handles David Elliot Poultry, testified: “The owners of David Elliot Poultry Farm, Inc. take their responsibility to Kashrus as a personal obligation, not a job. This started with the company’s founder, David Fink z”l over 75 years ago.”
In terms of quality, many of their partners have attested to their excellence in the poultry arena. As an example, Michael Schick said, “As a company that values great customer service and an even better product, we highly recommend David Elliot Poultry. Their service is reliable and steady, and their product is truly farm-fresh. They never disappoint. Our more than 30-year relationship speaks for itself.”
David Elliot Poultry prides itself on offering some niche products within the poultry industry. As mentioned, they source smaller birds for their superior flavor and meaty tenderness. They offer kosher capons, turkeys and are famous for their Rock Cornish hens.
The beauty of David Elliot Poultry is that they are equally dedicated to consumers as they are to distributors and caterers. They have a specific store locator that makes them accessible to everyone.
David Elliot Poultry has proven that exceptionalism can be reached on both the product and community level. David Fink created a company 80 years ago that is more relevant than ever. Consumers, distributors and caterers look to them for reliable service and high kashrut standards. The company has become a model for generational success.