Rabbi Menachem Adler

Rabbi Menachem Adler attended high school at the Ner IsraelYeshiva in Baltimore, and continued his studies at the Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem and at Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore, where he was awarded the Bachelor of Talmudic Law degree and received rabbinical ordination. He also earned a B.S.degree with a major in computer science from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Rabbi Adler did post-graduate study at Bais Medrash Iyun Hatalmudin Monsey, NY, has served as a tutor in advanced Jewish studies, and as a member of a community night kollel (program for teaching advanced Jewish studies to the local community) in Paramus, NJ. Rabbi Adler has been active in leading sessions in the Daf Yomi program, in which one Talmud page is studied each day as part of a seven-and-a-half year cycle, using as his classroom a Long Island railroad train, with commuters as his students. Besides enzymes, Rabbi Adler has served as RC for other OU certified biotechnology companies, as well as for companies in the emulsifier, vegetable oil, dairy and coffee creamer industries; previously he was involved in the egg and salad dressing industries. The father of three children, Rabbi Adler resides in Far Rockaway, NY.

When It’s Enzyme Time, Call On The OU

THE ENZYME INDUSTRY and its component, the food grade enzyme industry, are areas that have grown rapidly over the last forty to fifty years. Enzymes are currently used to create all sorts of different properties in foods, throughout food manufacturing. Examples include the starch industry, production of cheese and other dairy products, bakery products, the egg industry, juice and wine production – and we could go on and on. Enzymes have been found to do all sorts of interesting things such as liquefy solids, sweeten starch syrups, curdle milk for cheese production, act as a clarifier in juice production, de-sugar egg whites to prevent browning during drying – and again the list goes on and on. It can truly be said that the use of food grade enzymes is now “mainstream,” as their usage is found in all sorts of production situations, large, medium and small.