We are True Made Foods, and we make better-for-you condiments like ketchup, mustard, bbq sauce, and hot sauces. We use the natural sweetness of veggies to bring flavor into our low- or no-sugar products.True Made Foods brings real flavor to every meal by naturally sweetening our products with vegetables, turning these once empty-calorie American staples into nutrient-dense, plant-based superfoods. Our brand concept, “in veggies we trust,” provides a proud, bold, emotional vibe while referencing relics from the past to feel authentic and legitimate.

Some of America’s favorite condiments are also some of the biggest sources of hidden sugar. But we live in the real world – not everyone has time to cook from scratch every night. Our mission is simple: To help busy families cut refined and artificial sweeteners out, and pour on veggie-fueled goodness instead. Our Products are vegan, Gluten-Free, Paleo, and now Kosher.

We are proud to be OU certified so that we can offer some of our delicious products to a Kosher community.