Kosher Trends

Trending, stay in the loop with @OUKosher

There’s no denying it – I’m addicted to Instagram food posts. It’s like a little window to the world I can hold in the palm of my hand. One of the hottest sources of inspiration for my food choices and recipes comes from Instagram. Like a lot of people, I’m always thinking about, “What am […]

The Brew on Kosher Kombucha Tea

OU Kosher Certification recently began to see a trend in brands interested in producing and certifying kosher kombucha tea. Kombucha tea is made by fermenting kombucha and bacteria with black tea, sugar, and other natural ingredients. Because of the bacteria involved in the fermenting process of OU kosher kombucha, the OU does not advise that […]

OU Kosher Trends from the Winter Fancy Food Show 2018

OU Kosher Trends from the Winter Fancy Food Show 2018 OU Kosher had so much fun at the Specialty Food Association Winter Fancy Food Show 2018. We came, we saw, we sampled. (Okay, we sampled a lot.) It was great to meet with all the OU Kosher-certified companies. Here’s the kosher scoop as to what’s […]

Build a Better Kosher Smoothie Bowl

2018 food trends aside, kosher smoothie bowls are here to stay PLEASE CONSULT THE OU’S GUIDELINES FOR CHECKING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Smoothie bowls entered the foodie scene, not as a way to replace the smoothie in a cup, but rather to enhance it. Instead of drinking your entire smoothie in a few short gulps, the smoothie bowl allows for […]

Is this Olive Oil Permitted for Use for the Chanukah Menorah?

by Rabbi Akiva Tendler, RC Dressings, Emulsifier, Oil Overview: With Chanukah quickly approaching our thoughts turn to olive oil used for the Menorah. Many people are confused with the various types of olive oil and those which can be used to fulfill the Hiddur Mitzvah of lighting with שמן זית. In this article we will […]